Vashti Woman

Project description

Vashti Woman design and supply a new line of lingerie for woman who have been through breast cancer and are dedicated to helping woman get back to feeling good about themselves as they recover from treatment. There are very few companies providing comfortable yet fashionable and attractive lingerie for woman who have been through this experience, and Vashti Woman aims to meet that need. The company was founded by Gloria Halim and Marian Ogundairo at the beginning of 2012.

Brand Inventions was consulted in March 2012 about establishing the brand and asked to develop ideas for an emblem for Vashti Woman. The origins of the name ‘Vashti’ can be found in ancient Persia and it is generally accepted to mean ‘beautiful’ or ‘goodness’. The name is also prominent in the Hebrew Old Testament; Queen Vashti was the first wife of King Ahasuerus in the Book of Esther. She is most famous for her refusal to appear at the king’s banquet, (possibly unclothed) and parade her beauty in front of the assembled guests. The king punishes his wife’s disobedience by cruely banishing Vashti and Esther is chosen to succeed her as queen. So in addition to being a name which is synonymous with female beauty, it has also become assoiciated with independent thinking – Vashti being viewed as a brave heroine in feminist interpretations of the story today.

The design originates from the ‘V’ of Vashti which is reflected to create a mirror image of itself. Within the negative space created there is a heart within a heart, within a heart. The design is emblematic, it is intended to be ‘protective’ and promote ideas which centre around healing and wellbeing. The strands converge with a flourish on an upward point to signify recovery and convey feelings of strength and optimsim. In that sense the design is bud or flower-like and is intended to be strongly feminine, elegant and spiritual. The emblem is partly reminiscent of the five petalled Venus Flower pattern whose sacred geometry is firmly rooted in art and can be found in most of the major religions of the world. Its pattern, which describes the orbits of Earth and Venus as they move around the sun, stands for love, beauty and harmony. It is hoped that the design created for Vashti conveys ideas about personal growth and generates positive energy, reinforcing the key message of the brand in a simple graphic device.

Gloria Halim, co-owner of Vashti Woman says:

We are delighted with the identity created for the company by Ben Galloway. It completely incapsulates what we want the brand to say and what we want it to achieve. Simply brilliant. We will use Brand Inventions again and again. Thank you!

ProjectVasghti logo and branding